LabChart does not support a direct export to Excel file format option; however, data from a LabChart file can be exported as a tab-delimited text file, which in turn can be easily opened in Excel. To export your data as text from LabChart for Windows for use in Excel, left mouse click on the File Menu, and select the "Export..." option. The "Export As" pop-up window will now appear. Enter the desired file name, left mouse click the Save button, and select the desired export options in the "Export as Text" pop-up window that subsequently appears. When you are done, left mouse click the OK button. Your file's data will be exported at this point.
The process to export data as text in LabChart for Mac is nearly identical to the process in the Windows version. The only difference is that when selecting from the File Menu you will need to select "Export As..."
For further technical assistance with this or any other issue, please contact ADInstruments Technical Support by clicking HERE.