Can I analyze a third party file containing just RR intervals using LabChart's HRV module?

LabChart software can import data from various file formats and then use LabChart's Pro modules for analysis. The most basic file format is a simple txt file.

However, LabChart modules work only on raw data wave forms if the HRV calculations are performed on ECG (and arterial pulse) recordings. In other words, the module must detect the R-peak to do the necessary calculations. It is possible to use the RR intervals (input from a text file) and create a "pseudo-ECG" trace (output text file), that can be opened by LabChart and results in a waveform that has peak intervals according to the input text file. This can then be analyzed with the HRV module.

Please note that this file creation requires some scripting knowledge outside of LabChart. The attached examples will work with the provided example file format (tab delimited txt file): a column with time and a second column with the RR intervals. If your text input file has a different format, you must amend the scripts accordingly. For a detailed description, see the attached files.
Please download the Mac or Windows zip file. The content is:

Mac: PDF explaining the script, Applescript, example input file
Windows: PDF explaining the script, settings file for LabChart v7 and v8, example input file

For further technical assistance with this or any other issue, please contact ADInstruments Technical Support by clicking HERE.