Can I autoclave my T-type temperature probe?

Yes. It is possible to sterilize the t-type temperature probes .  The following cleaning instructions are valid for these transducers:

  • MLT1401 T-type Implantable Thermocouple probe (IT-18)
  • MLT1402 T-type Ultra Fast Thermocouple probe (IT-23)
  • MLT1405 T-Type Implantable Thermocouple Probe (IT-21)

Cleaning before sterilization: Wipe with alcohol or cleaning solution

Note: The plug should never be immersed in liquid. It is sealed with epoxy to prevent moisture entering during normal use and wiping, but has not been tested for immersion.


Sterilize at: 134°C for 3 minutes at 2.2 bar

or 121°C for 15 minutes
or 115°C for 30 minutes

For further technical assistance with this or any other issue, please contact ADInstruments Technical Support by clicking HERE.