How can I determine the number of decimal places that are shown in my data channel or exported as text?

A digital readout for each channel of data in LabChart is shown on the right hand side of the channel:

The number of decimal places that are shown in this readout by default is determined by the recording range.  The smaller the chosen recording range, the higher the number of decimal places will be displayed.  If you additionally wish to export data as a text file, this will also represent the number of decimal places that are exported.
If you wish to display or export a value with more or less decimal places there are two options for changing this.
Units Conversion
Open the Units Conversion dialog and apply a 1 to 1 conversion.  Apply the same units but in this window is the possibility to change the number of decimal places to suit your requirements.
Choose the Arithmetic option from the channel drop down menu.  Here you can apply just the channel number to the formula bar.  Again choose the correct units and change the number of decimal places.
In both instances, this will change the number of decimal places that are both displayed in the readout, or exported when saving data as a text file.

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