How do I export my LabChart data as a QuickTime movie file?

Export QuickTime is a LabChart Extension that enables you to save LabChart data files as a QuickTime movie. The movie can then be viewed using the Apple QuickTime Player or embedded/inserted in other applications such as Microsoft Word documents, PowerPoint presentations or HTML web pages on both Macintosh and Windows platforms.

To export a movie, the Export QuickTime Software Extension installer must be downloaded from HERE. Once installed, record some LabChart data (or open an existing LabChart data file) then left mouse click on the File Menu and select the "Export..." option.  The Export As pop-up window will now appear.  Next, name the file, select the file location it is to be saved to, and select QuickTime Movie as the "Save as type:".  Left mouse click the Save button, and the Export As QuickTime Settings pop-up window will now appear.  Make the necessary settings adjustments, and left mouse click the OK button to finish saving the QuickTime movie.