Delsys Trigno Avanti System Setup and Demonstration

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This is a useful webinar for researchers who are interested in using Delsys Trigno technology combined with LabChart to record electrical muscle activity for their research.

In this webinar, Scientific Support Specialist, Nick Mackovski will guide you through a number of features using Delsys sensors within LabChart 8 such as:  

  • How to install and run Delsys sensors in LabChart
  • How to pair sensors
  • Using Avanti sensors in LabChart (via Trigno Wireless System Device Enabler)
  • Record EMG + movement data
  • Applications these sensors are used in
  • Live Demo 


Wireless EMG analysis in LabChart

Delsys for research - available from ADInstruments.

Delsys Inc. are well known for their advanced wireless motion technology and wearable solutions, bringing together ease-of-use, clever design and sophisticated underlying algorithms for accurate EMG, EKG and FSR measurements in movement science. Our systems combine the Trigno wireless movement technology from Delsys with the powerful analysis capability of LabChart software, for a deeper understanding of the intricacies of movement. Contact us for more information.