How to use ConfigSoft with Kaha Sciences Rat Telemetry System

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How to use ConfigSoft with Kaha Sciences Rat Telemetry System
- presented by Sarah-Jane Guild, Scientific Consultant at ADInstruments

This video provides an overview of how to use the Configurator and ConfigSoft to configure your Kaha Science Rat Telemetry system including how to; change the channel of your telemeter and SmartPad, run diagnostics, and set up the Rat Telemetry System for cohousing mode. 

Equipment required:

Related: How to set up the Rat Telemetry System »

Configurator Setup

  • Install configurator driver (ConfigSoft) onto computer.
  • Once installed, plug the configurator into the computer. A green status light will display indicating the computer and configurator are communicating. 
  • Open ConfigSoft.

Configuring a Rat Telemeter

How to change the telemeter transmission channel

  • First, place the telemeter on the SmartPad to activate the telemeter. The status light on the front of the tBase will turn Green. 
  • Click 'Rat Telemeter' on the ConfigSoft home screen
  • Enter the Serial Number of the telemeter. This can be found printed on the packaging and on the telemeter case.
    • Note: If the telemeter is new, the channel will automatically be set to setup channel.
  • If the Serial Number is unknown, click 'Search for Telemeter'. This will present you with a list of active telemeters in the area.
    • Double click on the serial no. of the appropriate telemeter. This will automatically enter the details into ConfigSoft
  • Navigate to 'Change transmission channel to'. Click on the drop-down menu and select one of the 40 channels available.
  • Once a new channel has been selected, click Go. A window will appear confirming you want to change the channel of the telemeter, again select Go.
  • Once complete, a second window will appear confirming the channel change. Select OK.

How to put a telemeter in Safe Mode

Safe Mode can be used in situations where the telemeter is not being used i.e. storing the telemeter upon finishing an experiment.

  • To put the telemeter in Safe Mode, click on the Rat Telemeter tab in ConfigSoft and navigate to 'Put telemeter in Safe Mode'. Click Go. This will turn the telemeter OFF.
  • To re-activate the telemeter for future experiments, place the telemeter on the SmartPad. 

Find out more: SmartPad key features and setup guidelines »

Rat Telemeter Diagnostics

  • To run diagnostics on your telemeter, under the Rat Telemeter tab in ConfigSoft click 'Start Diagnostics'.
  • A window will appear asking you whether you want to save a log file. The log file is important for sending to ADInstruments support staff if further troubleshooting is required. 
    • Note: If creating a log file, diagnostics must be run for at least 2 mins.
  • Once you have clicked yes or no, the diagnostics will run and information regarding battery level, charging and sensor function will be displayed on screen.

See here for more information on interpreting ConfigSoft Rat Telemeter diagnostics »

Configuring a SmartPad

How to change the SmartPad transmission channel

In order for the telemeter to transmit physiological signals to the SmartPad, the telemeter and SmartPad must be configured to the same transmission channel.

  • To change the channel of the SmartPad, click on 'SmartPad' on the ConfigSoft home screen.
  • Enter the serial number of the SmartPad (located on front of device)
  • Enter the channel number the SmartPad is currently operating on. If unknown, click 'Search for SmartPad'.
  • To change the channel, click on  'Change transmission channel' drop-down menu, and select the same channel that the telemeter is operating on (See Configuring a Rat Telemeter). Click 'Go'. 
    • A window will appear confirming you want to change the channel of the SmartPad, again select Go.
    • Note: The SmartPad status light will flash red while the channel is being changed.
  • Once complete, a window will appear confirming the channel change. Select OK.

How to turn the charging field 'on' and 'off'

  • Under the SmartPad tab in ConfigSoft, you have the option to 'Enable' and 'Disable' the charging field. Disabling the charging field is useful in situations where the rat may require housing in a metal chamber and signal recording is still required.

How to turn on cohousing mode

Cohousing mode is useful for experiments involving two animals to be housed in a single cage, or for protocols calling for two telemeters in one animal.  While both telemeters can be charged via one SmartPad, each telemeter requires its own SmartPad for signal recording and transmission. For cohousing mode, the two SmartPads must be configured as either the primary (charging and signal transmission) or secondary (signal transmission only) SmartPad.

  • Configuring a SmartPad to be either the Primary or Secondary SmartPad in cohousing mode can be done within 'Cohousing setup' under the SmartPad tab in ConfigSoft.

Cohousing mode setup | Kaha Rat Telemetry System

Schematic diagram showing the pairing of two SmartPads to allow the cohousing feature. The primary SmartPad provides wireless power to the implanted telemeters, while each telemeter transmits data to the SmartPad paired with its respective channel.

SmartPad Diagnostics

  • To run diagnostics on your SmartPad, under the SmartPad tab in ConfigSoft click 'Start Diagnostics'.
  • A window will appear asking you whether you want to save a log file. The log file is important for sending to ADInstruments support staff if further troubleshooting is required. If creating a log file, diagnostics must be run for at least 2 mins. 
    • Note: The SmartPad will not record data while diagnostics are running.
  • Once you have clicked yes or no, the diagnostics will run and information regarding charging status, cohousing status, atmospheric pressure sensor function, temperature, and power consumption will be displayed on screen.

See here for more information on interpreting ConfigSoft SmartPad diagnostics »

For more troubleshooting tips, check out our support articles or contact your nearest ADInstruments representative who would be happy to help. 

Related: Getting Started with Kaha Sciences Telemetry »

Additional Resources:

Kaha telemeters: Surgical Videos and Webinars  »
Benefits of using telemetry in research »
Cardiovascular applications using telemetry »
Five neuroscience applications using Kaha Sciences Telemetry »
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