How Lt's Nursing Collection aligns with the NMC Standards of Proficiency for Registered Nurses.

Lt is our online learning platform that is ideal for nursing, medical, and life science courses. 

For nursing education, modules in Lt’s Clinical Skills Collection map directly to the UK Nursing and Midwifery Council’s (NMC) Standards of Proficiency for Registered Nurses. These standards outline the knowledge and skills nurses need at the point of registration.


Educators can confidently use Lt’s built-in content for nursing and midwifery programs knowing that their students are gaining all the essential skills, knowledge, and attributes that they require to become a registered nurse.

As the diagram below illustrates, the teaching modules in Lt’s Clinical Skills Collection map directly to the requirements laid out in Annexe A and Annexe B (Nursing procedures) of the NMC's proficiency standards:How Lt meets NMC standards of proficiency for registered nurses

Find out more about the Lt Nursing Collection >>

Alignment with Annexe A  

Communication and relationship management skills:
Effective communication is essential to the delivery of health care. It allows a nurse to get to know and understand people, to meet their care needs, and accurately document their health history.
All four communication and relationship management skills in Annexe A are met via Lt’s Clinical Skills Module, “Therapeutic Communication”.
Lt's Therapeutic Communication module provides teaching material that ensures nursing students can:

  • Understand and demonstrate professional therapeutic communication in a variety of health care settings,
  • Apply concepts and theories of communication to a relevant clinical example,
  • And can understand processes and obligations regarding informed consent.

Alignment with Annexe B

Nursing Procedures:
Annexe B lays out eleven nursing procedures that a newly registered nurse must be able to demonstrate in order to provide compassionate, evidence-based person-centred nursing care. 
All eleven of the Nursing Procedures laid out in Annexe B are met via Lt’s remaining Clinical Skills Modules. 

How Lt's pedagogy maps to the NMC Standards Framework

Alison McLachlan


Alison McLachlan: RGN, RMN, RNT, PGCE, MN (Nursing), MPhil (Medical Law & Ethics).

Leading UK educator and academic, Alison McLachlan, provides an additional mapping which correlates Lt's Immersive Nursing pedagogical methods to the NMC's educational standards framework.

Lt strongly maps to Part 1, Part 3, and Part 5 of the NMC Standards Framework.


Watch Alison McLachlan's full webinar: "Educating the Practitioners of the Future" here >>

Focus on core nursing skills

The modules in Lt's Clinical Skills Collection prepare students for the clinical simulation aspects of your course and allows for practical assessment of key nursing skills. 

If you are just beginning to use the NMC standards, Lt is an ideal fit as a fresh start for an easily aligned curriculum. 

Real-life Patient Case Library

Especially valuable for nursing education is Lt's comprehensive patient case library containing over 30 real-life patient cases, covering a range of clinical conditions. Lt also features an Immersive Nursing Collection that takes the patient cases and turns them into teaching modules with a focus on clinical relevance. 

For more information and a free trial...

Please contact us for more information about the Lt Nursing Collection, which can be used with Lt Sensors. or to find out more about our innovative Patient Case Library.

Alternatively, you can try Lt today via our free trial »


Resources for Nursing Educators:

Are you interested in using Lt to deliver your course? Try Lt now – for free!

Lt comes complete with 900+ ready-to-use, fully-customizable lessons and labs for teaching physiology, anatomy, biology, medicine, and nursing courses. Instantly preview a selection of lessons, or Try Lt for yourself. View all 11 content collections »