Pharmacology + Isolated Tissue and Organs

Pharmacology is the science of drug action on biological systems. It requires knowledge of drug sources, chemical properties, biological effects and therapeutic uses of drugs. In vitro pharmacological studies include the use of tissue-organ baths, organ perfused apparatus and Ussing chambers.


Record & measure in vitro tissue response and muscle tension measurements for pharmacology research using our complete organ bath systems. ADInstruments offer all-in-one or modular Organ Baths with specialist hardware from Radnoti. All systems include gas and temperature control to provide an ideal environment for tissue viability.


Streamline your pharmacology / isolated tissue & organ research and maximize efficiency by recording and measuring in vitro muscle and tissue response using Powerlab, and LabChart or LabChart Lightning as an acquisition and analysis base.

LabChart provides streamlined software to measure and analyze changes in force, pressure, volume, flow rate, and many additional functions for pharmacological and cardiovascular research. We also offer a Dose Response and Peak Analysis Add-Ons, with analysis and graphical display of pharmacologically evoked responses recorded in LabChart.

Planning to use S1,S2 stimulation? The LabChart Lightning Stimulator has built-in S1,S2 capability. 

Combine your choice with our range of complementary equipment and products including our all-in-one and modular organ bath systems to accurately study the effects of pharmacological agents of smooth muscle contractions in single or multiple tissue preparations. Additionally, we provide working heart and Langendorff systems to study inherent contraction and relaxation properties of an intact isolated heart. A range of supplementary accessories and consumables are also available.



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