High-performance data acquisition hardware


Data with Integrity

DAQ Hardware

PowerLab is a high quality data acquisition device engineered to record precise, reliable, consistent data for research and education.

PowerLabs are capable of high speed sampling and form the core of many research data acquisition systems - they are compatible with instruments, signal conditioners, and transducers supplied by ADInstruments and many other leading brands.

Developed in 1985, PowerLab has been a reliable data acquisition tool for an entire generation of scientists and educators. It has always offered a simple and flexible solution for almost all types of analog physiological data acquisition.

With the addition of the PowerLab C data acquisition hardware for research, we are excited to continue supporting a whole new generation of scientists with unparalleled flexibility for both analog and digital data acquisition.


  • Simple to set up, connect directly to Windows or Mac via USB
  • Streamlined integration with analysis software


  • Excellent time synchronisation between channels
  • Built to last with 5 year warranty on research models
  • Robust and portable
  • High-speed, real-time data acquisition
  • High resolution on even the smallest of signals
  • Advanced filtering and noise reduction


  • Records a broad range of signals simultaneously
  • Compatible with a wide range of instruments, signal conditioners and transducers
  • Independent stimulator outputs


  • Trusted brand for over 30 years
  • Cited in more than 30,000 peer-reviews journals
  • Certified to meet the strictest international safety standards for human and animal use

PowerLab 35 Series

Since its release in 2011, the PowerLab 35 has been the core data acquisition device for life science laboratories across the world.
We value making future-proof equipment. Having a high-end piece of technology in production for 13 years is hard to do, but we take pride in the longevity of our hardware design and are committed to innovation.

That is why, as of 2022, we have discontinued production of the PowerLab 35 in favor of the PowerLab C and C series devices.

We will continue to provide ongoing support for the PowerLab 35 Series and look forward to supporting another decade of research.
If you have any questions, please contact our team.



“The ADInstruments gear performed superbly! In our previous experience, and that of others, the actual measurements of end tidal gases and ventilation have been near on impossible to make above 4000 m. We spent almost 2 weeks at 5050 m and basically turned the ADInstruments equipment on when we arrived and it ran almost continuously for the duration of the experiments, which were done during sleep in day and night time.”

Dr. Ainslie
Centre for Heart, Lung, and Vascular Health, University of British Columbia. Writing in regards to a research expedition to Mt Everest.

Cost-effective connectivity

“Once you have a PowerLab system, it is relatively inexpensive to add extra functionality. For example, when our educators wanted more ECG machines for 12 lead ECG experiments we reviewed our options. We could get new ECG machines at around $6000 each or ECG pods with switch boxes for use with PowerLab systems for well under $1000 each. Choosing the single channel Bio Amp to supplement our existing machines saved the school many thousands of dollars.”

Ms Kellie Ridges
Operations Manager at Illawarra Health and Medical Research Institute, University of Wollongong.

Robust & portable

“The size of the PowerLab was perfect as it fitted into my backpack! It was also one of the few pieces of equipment which worked well with the generator at basecamp. Many other pieces of equipment demanded too much power, short-circuiting the generators”

Dr. Ainslie
Centre for Heart, Lung, and Vascular Health, University of British Columbia. Writing in regards to a research expedition to Mt Everest.

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