What is Lt Analytics and how can I access it?

If you are an Instance Administrator, Course Administrator, or Author, you will be able to view the lesson analytics after your first student has started the lesson.

To view the analytics for a lesson:

  1. Open the Student Work card for your course.
  2. Select the lesson you would like to view analytics for. This will open the Published Lesson card.
  3. Select Analytics at the top of the Published Lesson card.

If the lesson is edited and the published lesson is updated, the analytics will treat the lesson as new and you'll lose access to older analytics. 

Multi-choice Answer Distribution

This section lists every multi-choice question within your lesson by page number and question number. For each question, you can view how many times each answer option was selected. 

Number of Check Answer Clicks

This section shows you how many times the check answer button was selected for each question panel. Note: this will show data for every question panel that you have included an answer for. 

Time in Lesson

This section shows how long students have spent on each page in your lesson. Each color represents one student. After 18 students have started the lesson, the graph will show a solid bar representing the average amount of time spent on each page.

Note: Time accumulates, so if a student exits the lesson and re-enters it, the total time spent in the lesson will be displayed on this graph. 

Video Duration Watched

This section shows how much of each video the students watched. Each video in your lesson is listed by page and location.

Note: There may be a delay of up to 30 minutes for the data to appear, so if it does not show up the first time you check, try back again after a couple of minutes.