Why do I not get sensible HRV variables in the data pad when using Multiple add to datapad?

Depending on the version of LabChart and the HRV module you use for your analysis, you may notice some different behavior when trying to add data to Datapad in small time blocks. There are a couple of solutions to ensure that you get the desired values. In either case, you should first set up the required parameters in the Data Pad.
In older versions of LabChart, the HRV Data Pad calculations always refer to the entire analysis, not just the region selected in the Chart View. This is similar to the HRV Report view, which
always reports values for the whole of the analysis.
For example, to analyze in 30s intervals, one must:
1. Select the 30s of data in the Chart View
2. Analyse the selection using HRV
3. Add the results to the Data Pad
4. Repeat
This sort of repetitive task can be accomplished using a LabChart macro.
With the latest version of LabChart 8 and HRV v2.0.3, one can analyze the entire channel by choosing the 'whole channel 'option in the HRV settings. You can then use the multiple add to datapad option to add data every 30 seconds. This will then split the analysis into the 30-second bins when applying the results to the datapad. If you have the selection checked in the settings, you should follow the steps for the repetitive task above.

For further technical assistance with this or any other issue, please contact ADInstruments Technical Support by clicking HERE.