Downloads & Resources

kuraCloud desktop application

kuraCloud desktop application

Student Admin Resource Pack

Download resource pack

  • Lesson checklist - pre-release to students 
    This checklist will help you make sure your lessons are ready for students.
  • Lt student pre-invitation template 
    A template for a quick introductory email to your students, explaining what Lt is and how to sign up. We strongly recommend sending this email out before you invite students to your course.
  • Lt student invitation template 
    This template is formatted in a way that allows you to import students to Lt. See our Support Article here: Importing Students into Lt
  • Student experience - login and exploration 
    An introductory video for students. You may want to share this video with your students at the same time you invite them.

Publishing checklist

See here for a more in-depth checklist before publishing and making content available to students. Some key points to note are:

  • The content is up-to-date and ready to be accessed by students
  • You’ve decided if the lesson will be published individually or in a module
  • The lesson has a poster (thumbnail) icon
  • Once published, the lesson is available to students at the correct date(s) and time(s).
    • I’ve selected ‘Student View’ and can see the content I expected is available to the students.

Before publishing content, consider if the content is best published as a stand-alone lesson or as one of a series of related lessons in a module. For example, a lesson introducing the course would likely be best published by as a stand-alone lesson. However, a pre-lab quiz lesson that precedes an associated lab would be best published within a module.

Note: It’s very important to only publish a lesson either individually or within a module. If a lesson is published both as an individual lesson and a lesson within a module, students can start and complete them separately.