Excellence in Microsurgical Techniques Training

Person performing microsurgery


We invite you to our Microsurgical Techniques and Pressure-Volume surgery training course in Almere, Netherlands on the 8th - 11th October 2024.


Date: Tuesday 8th - Friday 11th October

Location: René Remie Surgical Skills Centre (RRSSC), Almere, NL

Cost: €3180 or £2750


This course is designed for you if:

  • You're a scientist new to surgery and pressure-volume recording techniques.

  • You want to refine your surgical techniques and need help recording and analysing blood pressure/ PV or other physiological data.

The course host, René Remie speaks several languages including Dutch, English, French and German. Any one-to-one instruction can take place in your chosen/native language.



specialised surgical techniques to catheterise different vessels and monitor wellbeing.

LabChart and experience a wide range of specialised analysis features.the surgeries required for reliable Blood Pressure and LVP/PV surgery.hands-on surgical procedures with lectures and advanced techniques for recording and analysing data.


What we will cover:

Introduction to:

  • PowerLab data acquisition hardware

  • Lab Chart acquisition and analysis software

  • Non-surgical techniques

  • Good surgical practices (GSP)

  • Sutures and instruments ("The art of knot tying")

  • Anaesthesia and analgesia (including peri-operative care and monitoring)

  • Dissection techniques in blood vessel surgery

  • Catheterisation of blood vessels using 'state of the art' Millar catheters

  • BP and LVP recording and analysis

  • PV recording and analysis

  • Recording of monitoring signals such as temperature, breathing rate, ECG and heart rate, with the additional possibility of analysing the ECG signal using LabChart

  • Specific surgical model theory (techniques, principle) and multiple practical exercises


We are confident you will master the surgeries required for reliable blood pressure and left ventricular pressure (BP and LVP) measurements. 

Your Trainers

Professor Rene Remie 

Rene Remie looking down a microscope


Prof. René Remie is the author and editor of the Manual of Microsurgery on the Laboratory Rat. In 1983 he specialised in pharmacology and did his PhD on the presynaptic modulation of noradrenergic neurotransmission in the portal vein of the freely moving rat.


In 1990 he co-founded the Microsurgical Developments Foundation and is currently still chairman. In 1991, he specialised in Laboratory Animal Science and Welfare, and worked for nineteen years as a Laboratory Animal Scientist and Welfare Officer at Solvay Pharmaceuticals.


From 1997 to 2012 he held a chair on Microsurgery and Experimental Techniques in Laboratory Animals at the Groningen Centre for Drug Research, University of Groningen, the Netherlands. In 2002 he co-founded the International Microsurgical Training Centre, and was its Scientific Director and course leader. In 2009, he started the René Remie Surgical Skills Centre where he is the course leader. He is an experienced instructor for over 35 years.


Irene Cuesta, MSc 

Irene Cuesta

Irene Cuesta studied biology at the University of Jaén (Spain). She worked at the Department of Physiology of the same university on an in-vivo assay with gliomas in rats. Subsequently, she worked at the Laboratory of CAR Madrid to analyze blood samples of top athletes. She also holds a BSc in physiotherapy and an MSc in manual therapy. Since 2018, she has been the assistant of Prof. René Remie at RRSSC. In 2020, she reached the level of a senior instructor. As of January 2024, she is the Director of RRSSC. 

She specialized in many microsurgical and general techniques, i.e. anatomy, suturing, intubation, telemetry implantations, vascular and non-vascular catheterizations, myocardial infarction models, stereotaxic surgery, and more. She has experience in rats, mice, hamsters, and guinea pigs. Irene is also a gifted archer, was a multiple Spanisch Champion Women Compound, and was the Spanish Paralympic team coach at the 2012 and 2016 games in London and Rio de Janeiro. She is also an international classifier for World Archery.