PowerLab C

PowerLab CPLC01

The heart of our C series modular system, the PowerLab C provides adaptive mains filtering, power management for peripheral devices and sub-µS time synchronization for up to four C Series compatible USB-C devices.

Instrument InterfacePLCI1

Connected to either a PowerLab C, or directly to a computer, the C-series Instrument Interface provides 4 channels of input from analog instruments, with up to 100kHz sampling and 20mV to 10 V range.

Front End InterfacePLCF1

Connected to either a PowerLab C, or directly to a computer, the C-series Front End Interface converts analog data from existing Front-Ends, with up to 8 channels at 50 kHZ, or 4 channels at 100 kHz.

26 Series

PowerLab 2/26PL2602

Entry level 2 channel data acquisition featuring 2 analog inputs.

PowerLab 4/26PL2604

Economically priced 4 channel data acquisition featuring 4 analog inputs.

T Series

PowerLab 26TPL26T04

Integrated data recording featuring a dual Bio Amp, an isolated stimulator, trigger input, 4 analog inputs, 8 digital inputs and 8 digital outputs.

PowerLab 15TPL15T02

Entry level integrated data recording featuring a dual Bio Amp, an isolated stimulator and 2 analog inputs.