PV Loop 2.5.1

20.70MB • Released 

System Requirements

PV Loop v2.5.1 is compatible with LabChart v8.1.13 or later.

Release Notes


  • PV Loop Welcome Center Getting Started content has been updated with new settings files and quick start guides that can be used with the new Millar MPVS Duo.
  • Ejection Fraction now has the option to be calculated as SV/ EDVx 100. 
  • When using a high-resolution monitor, PV Loop UI will now scale to a usable size.


  • Added a new single-beat detection method ‘Sinusoidal pressure fit’.
  • Added single-beat ESPVR (end-systolic pressure-volume relationship) into the hemodynamics table.
  • Added single-beat Piso (max pressure of an isovolumic beat) into the hemodynamics table.
  • Added a new ‘Loop tangent fit’ method for calculating ESPVR and the End Systolic points from multiple beats during occlusions.

Note: the Sinusoidal pressure fit’ and ‘Loop tangent fit’ methods are especially useful for right ventricle measurements and other situations where the PV loop has a ‘triangular’ shape.

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed potential crash when Stroke Volume mode set to ‘Stable EDV - ESV’.
  • Fixed incorrect macro descriptions for ‘SetESPVRegressionType’ and ‘SetEDPVRegressionType’.

Known issues:

  • The ES Pressure and ES Volume Channel Calculations do not show the ES points derived from the tangent fit (unlike the Hemodynamics Table). Instead they show either the max (P/V) ES points or the sine fit ES points depending on the setting in the PVLoop Settings dialog.