How do I disable the rat telemetry Cohousing Mode?

Before they are returned to normal single housing operation or before the SmartPads are used for recharging explanted telemeters, Cohousing must be disabled on both the Primary and Secondary SmartPads using the Configurator System.

1) In the SmartPad tab, enter the serial number and transmission frequency of the Primary SmartPad.
2) In the Cohousing Setup panel, under Primary (1°) SmartPad, select Disable and click Go.

3) Click OK to confirm disabling Cohousing. A message confirming Cohousing has been disabled will appear.
4) For the Secondary SmartPad enter the serial number and transmission frequency.
5) In the Cohousing Setup panel, under Secondary (2°) SmartPad, select Disable and click Go
6) Click OK to confirm disabling Cohousing. A message confirming Cohousing has been disabled will appear.

Cohousing will now be disabled for both the Primary and Secondary SmartPads and they will resume their normal

For further technical assistance with this or any other issue, please contact ADInstruments Technical Support by clicking HERE.