Where are LabChart for Windows buffer files temporarily stored?

Temporary buffer files for LabChart for Windows data files are stored in the following location, where the "username" is replaced by your user login name on the computer:
 LabChart 8.1.8 and earlier: C:/Users/"username"/appdata/Local/Temp

 LabChart 8.1.9 and later: C:/Users/"username"/appdata/Local/Temp/ADILCDiskBuffer
The file extension will be .adibuf, or .tmp. If it's .tmp, usually the filename begins with ADI; for example "ADI_DOC_d3498a34.tmp".  If the appdata folder is not visible, you will need to set the Windows operating system to display all hidden folders.  To learn how to do this, please review the webpage located HERE.

Please send all of the files within the ADILCDiskBuffer folder.
To attempt to recover a buffer file, please contact an ADInstruments Technical Support Representative.