Why can't I find a telemeter with ConfigSoft even though I've switched it to Active Mode?

If a telemeter has been placed in Active Mode but cannot be found by the Configurator System using the Search for Telemeter function of ConfigSoft, it is likely that the telemeter battery has been discharged. In this case the status light of the SmartPad paired on the same Transmission Frequency as the telemeter will show orange but may switch briefly to green depending on the position of the telemeter within the power field.

The telemeter battery could have discharged for the following reasons:

  • Telemeter not placed in Safe Mode after use or inadvertently returned to Active Mode
  • Charging field of the SmartPad was disabled for more than 4-6 hours causing the telemeter battery to discharge
  • Position of the telemeter is not optimal within an animal to receive power from the SmartPad field
  • Telemeter has been in long term storage and the battery level has not been checked for >3 months

It is sometimes possible to recharge a telemeter battery after it has fully discharged by placing it in the charging field of an active SmartPad, paired on the same Transmission Frequency, for several hours. This is best achieved with the telemeter explanted, submerged in saline and placed on the centre of the SmartPad.

For further technical assistance with this or any other issue, please contact ADInstruments Technical Support by clicking HERE.