Why does text get cut off or run out of space when using an “Upload and Annotate Image” panel in Lt?

For images in the “Upload and Annotate Image” question panel (see below), you can only write/annotate on the dimensions of the background image, not the panel itself. 

Even if the panel is full screen and looks like it has a wide white background, such as this:


If the background image has smaller dimensions (such as width), this becomes the area available for annotation (ie. a considerably smaller area when in Answer mode for students):

There are a couple potential workarounds to address this and add some extra workable space to the image. One is to simply take a screenshot of the image in Lt in Preview or Edit mode (like in the second screenshot) and replace that in the annotate panel. You could also add the image to a PowerPoint or Google Slides with a white background and export the entire slide as an image. 

For additional assistance with Lt, please contact your local ADInstruments Technical Support Representative.