Talking Teaching: Engaging remote biology students

Find out how New York University kept their biology students engaged while teaching labs and research skills online.

Increasing Student Engagement for Medical and Health Science Courses with Lt during COVID-19

Dr Dawn Collins is an Associate Professor in Neurobiology at Warwick Medical School. Here she describes how she navigated remote teaching through the pandemic and kept her students happy with Lt.

Educator Insights: Using Lt’s online labs to increase student engagement during the pandemic

Dawn Livingstone, Senior Lecturer at the University of Edinburgh shares her experience of using Lt to deliver online practical classes for their Biomedical Sciences course during COVID.

New for physiology educators: Take a look inside our Endocrine Physiology Lab...

Find out more about this interactive lab covering the basic structure and function of the endocrine system and the importance of feedback loops in regard to endocrine communication.

Talking Teaching: How to format learning objectives to improve student learning

Find out how students are using learning objectives and how to optimize your course LOs to better suit your student's needs!

Talking Teaching: How to encourage metacognition

Join the discussion! Here we discuss the concept of metacognition and how to encourage students to use metacognition in the classroom.

Talking Teaching: Is personalized learning the future?

Join the discussion: In this blog, we discuss the concept of personalized learning and how technological advances in AI might influence the future of learning.

Congratulations to Dr. John Durocher - Winner of the Macknight 2021 Innovative Educator Award!

Congratulations to Dr. John Durocher, Associate Professor of Health Studies at Purdue University Northwest (PNW), winner of the 2021 Macknight Innovative Educator Award for excellence in physiology teaching!

Adapting to Changing Teaching Demands - Dr Aavo Lang

Dr Aavo Lang is an Associate Professor of Human Physiology at the University of Tartu, with 30+ years of teaching experience. Aavo explains how Lt has been helping him meet the changing teaching demands throughout the pandemic.

Lt - 12 Months at a Glance

2000+ educators signed up to use Lt for free during the pandemic. 10 of the top 20 clinical and health universities in the world use Lt.

Talking Teaching: How to make online assessments resistant to cheating

Join the discussion: in this blog, we explore how online tutoring services such as Chegg are being used by students to cheat, and what we as educators or lesson creators can do about it.

Celebrating Innovation in Teaching: Erin Vasudevan

Congratulations to last year's (2020) winner of the ADInstruments Macknight Early Career Innovative Educator Award, presented by the APS: Erin Vasudevan, Assistant Professor at Stony Brook University

The Covid Conundrum – How to maintain hands-on learning in an online environment

COVID-19 has brought around a dramatic change in how science courses are taught. So how can educators adapt their traditional lab set-up to suit both face-to-face and remote learning environments?