Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) In-Person Workshop

 Join us for this in-person workshop, exploring Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS), an innovative non-invasive brain stimulation technique. Renowned TMS expert Dawson Kidgell and ADInstruments Head of Support, Mark de Reus, will guide you through TMS intricacies and demonstrate effective utilisation of ADInstruments PowerLab and LabChart for recording and analyzing electromyography (EMG), specifically focusing on motor evoked potentials. 


Key Highlights:

  • Understand the intricacies of TMS and its role in probing and modulating corticospinal activity
  • Watch TMS in action with a live demonstration led by industry experts
  • Discover how PowerLab and Labchart can revolutionise EMG recording and analysis, focusing on motor evoked potential
  • Benefit from Dawson Kidgell's unique insights on TMS applications



Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) is a non-invasive brain stimulation technique that utilises the principles of electromagnetic induction to probe, assess and modulate corticospinal activity. Operating via a coil placed over the scalp, TMS generates magnetic pulses that painlessly penetrate the skull to reach the cortex with very little mitigation. When placed over the motor cortex, the resulting depolarization of underlying pyramidal cells produces a series of action potentials that synapse with lower motoneurones and consequently activate target muscles. The subsequent muscle twitch, recorded by electromyography, directly corresponds to the site of stimulation on the motor cortex. TMS can generate single pulses, paired pulses, or repetitive pulses to assess the excitability of the intracortical circuitry of the motor cortex. During this workshop, you'll gain comprehensive insights into the TMS procedure and its applications. 

Additionally, learn how to leverage PowerLab and Labchart for recording and analysing electromyography (EMG), specifically focusing on motor evoked potentials. This workshop provides an opportunity for you to understand the tools that will empower your research and enhance your TMS applications. We understand the importance of hands-on experience, and that's why we'll provide a step-by-step walkthrough during the workshop, with our experts on hand to answer any questions you may have.

Our goal is to customise the workshop to align with your specific interests. To facilitate this, a brief questionnaire will be accessible after you register. We appreciate you taking a few moments to complete this questionnaire.


Wednesday, March 13th, 2024 - 10am - 2.00pm AEDT (Australian Eastern Daylight Time)

About the Presenter:


Dr. Dawson Kidgell, BPhysio(Hons)
Associate Professor 
Director of the Monash Exercise Neuroplasticity Research Unit   
Monash University          

Dr. Dawson Kidgell's research interests are in the area of the neurophysiology of exercise and he specializes in the technique of Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) is a non-invasive method of measuring the functional properties (neuroplasticity) of the human brain, in particular the primary motor cortex. Through the use of this technique, Dr. Kidgell has been quantifying the motor cortical responses to strength training. Dr. Kidgell is also interested in the neuromodulatory effects of transcranial direct current stimulation prior to, during and following strength training to facilitate the motor cortical responses to training. Dr. Kidgell uses sophisticated stimulation and electrophysiological recording and analysis techniques to address these issues, which include TMS, tDCS, spinal cord reflex testing, surface electromyography and single motor unit recordings. The overall goal of his research is to understand how the healthy nervous system functions to control movements following a variety of interventions, and how it may be rehabilitated following neuromuscular injury or disease.