After 5 years, we’ve observed that Send and Publish hasn’t had the impact we hoped they would. Of our many LabChart customers, only a very small number have used these features. That’s why we’ve made the difficult decision to discontinue Send and Publish.
As of 24th September, LabChart’s Send and Publish features has been permanently removed. The menu items for Send and Publish no longer work and will be removed after updating to LabChart 8.1.12. The online service that stores and provides access to sent or published files has also been retired permanently. This means that all of your published LabChart files have been deleted and are no longer accessible.
If you think you have published important data but can’t remember how to access the web service, please get in touch so we can help you.
If you have provided others (for example, a publication or external website) a URL link to one of your published files and are concerned about future access to the data, please contact us for advice as soon as you can.
At ADInstruments, we are committed to making the process of scientific discovery easier and strongly believe that enabling better collaboration between researchers around the world is important in achieving that. Ultimately, Send and Publish were not the right solution but we are taking the experience and insights we have gained and are channeling these into making our future products and features even better.
If you have any questions or concerns about the retirement of Send and Publish, please contact us by getting in touch with your favorite representative - we will be happy to help!