How to calculate VO2 (and VCO2) in a channel calculation?

The oxygen consumption is the amount of oxygen that is used up by the organism's body over time.


Therefore the calculation would be:


VO2 = Chminute volume * (ChO2 – O2inspired) / 100


whereas Chminute volume is the channel that calculates the Minute Volume (Spirometry extension), ChO2 is the channel that records the O2 concentration in % and O2inspired is the O2 concentration of the inspired air (usually 20,9 %).


To be more precise, the VO2 is calculated as the difference of inspired and expired Minute volumes:


VO2 = ViFiO2 – VeFeO2


where Fi is an inspired fraction, Fe is an expired fraction, and Vi and Ve are the minute volumes of inspired and expired air.


As a standard practice only expiration (or inspiration) is measured and the other values need to be calculated using the Haldane transformation (the sum of O2, CO2 and N fraction equals 1).


Also, a volume correction is applied: VO2 is expressed at STPD (Standard Temperature and Pressure in Dry conditions: 0 °C (273.15 K) and 760 mmHg, zero humidity) but measurements are at BTPS (Body Temperature (36.6 °C), Ambient Pressure, saturated with water vapour). All these have to be taken into account. For a detailed description see LabChart Help | Metabolic | Metabolic Calculations.


The final formula is:















This translates in LabChart's Channel Calculation | Arithmetics to (see also attached file):






where Ch6 is the Minute Ventilation, Ch1 is %O2 and Ch2 is %CO2.


The whole calculation can be smoothed using the smoothsec() function:







VCO2 is calculated using the equation that correspond to that given above for VO2, but with the obvious substitutions:







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