How do I change the Transmission Frequency of a rat telemeter?

To avoid confusion with data acquisition channels in LabChart, the term Channel in ConfigSoft will now be referred to as Transmission Frequency.

It is recommended that any changes to telemeter Transmission Frequency are recorded for future reference.

  1. With a telemeter in Active Mode, remove it to >1m away from the SmartPad
  2. Connect the Configurator to your computer and open ConfigSoft
  3. Click on the Rat Telemeter button on the main menu or Rat Telemeter Tab if ConfigSoft is already open
  4. Enter the Serial Number of the telemeter. This can be found printed on the packaging and on the telemeter case

  1. Select or enter the current Transmission Frequency of the telemeter. This will be Setup for the first use.
  2. If you do not know the Serial Number or Transmission Frequency (for example because the telemeter has been implanted) you can click the Search for Telemeter button and the Configurator will search and list all telemeters currently within range and in Active Mode. You can then select the telemeter from the list to automatically populate the serial number and transmission frequency fields
  3. To change the Transmission Frequency, select or enter a new Transmission Frequency (1-40) in the Configure your Telemeter section

  1. Click Go to activate the new Transmission Frequency and OK in the pop-up window to confirm your action
  2. After a few seconds a second pop-up window will appear confirming the change

  1. If a telemeter is paired on the same Transmission Frequency the SmartPad status light will change to green. The telemeter and SmartPad are now able to communicate for data collection
If the system is not being used immediately, please ensure all telemeters are returned to Safe Mode at the end of this process

For further technical assistance with this or any other issue, please contact ADInstruments Technical Support by clicking HERE