Why are multi-segment catheters not available for selection in the Millar MPVS Ultra Control Software?

To use an MPVS Ultra unit with multi-segment Pressure-Volume catheters , the unit must first be registered.  A registration keycode is included with every multi-segment MPVS Ultra system.  To register the system and unlock the multi-segment catheter capabilities, left mouse click the Registration menu in the upper left hand corner of the MPVS Ultra control software, and select the Register Device option.















In the Pop-up window that appears, enter the supplied registration keycode.  The multi-segment catheter options will now be available in the control software.

Note: If an MPVS Ultra unit was purchase initially as part of a single segment MPVS system, a registration keycode can be purchased to upgrade it to be multi-segment capable.  Please contact your local ADInstruments Sales Office to purchase this upgrade. 

For further technical assistance with this or any other issue, please contact ADInstruments Technical Support by clicking HERE