Why won't my .csv student list upload to Lt?

Importing a .csv file on Lt is possible, but must be in a very specific format:
  • The file must be in .csv format.
  • The header row of the file must contain three columns with the exact names: email, given name, family name (if using Excel, remove the commas and put one phrase in each cell)
  • The first column of the file must contain the user email addresses. All addresses must be in the format a@b.c. For example, user@gmail.com
  • The second column of the file is for the student ids of the users. It must have the "Student ID" header, but entering the names in the column is optional
  • The third column of the file is for the given names of the users. It must have the "Given Name" or "First Name" header, but entering the names in the column is optional
  • The fourth column is the family names for the users. It must have the "Family Name" or "Last Name" header, but entering the names in the columns is optional
  • The fifth column of the file is for the section(s) of the users. It must have the "Section" header, but entering the section names in the column is optional
  • The file must not have any additional columns, rows, cells or spaces.

If the .csv file is formatted incorrectly, there are a number of possible error messages that you could receive. Here are a few examples of error messages and what issues may have generated them:

This error message may occur as a result of an extra space after the header title in the header cell, such as in Column A below:


rather than:



This error message may occur as a result of a missing header cell, such as in Column B below:


This error message may occur as a result of a number of issues with the email address, such as extra punctuation listed after the email address in the cell (ie. a comma, period, etc), not  following the correct email format of a@b.c or having a space in the cell after the email address.



This error message may occur as a result of an empty email address cell. As previously noted, the email address is a necessary piece of information for the .csv.


 For more information please see Lt support on this topic here or contact your local ADInstruments Technical Support Representative .