Does the LabChart 8 software make use of multi-core processors?

Most modern computers contain processors with two to six cores which read and execute program instructions. Having multiple processor cores allows more than one task to be performed simultaneously. This makes the computer faster. There are normally many programs being run on a computer and the operating system spreads these across the cores to try and optimize the performance. Sometimes though there will be one program that is doing much more work than the others, for example when LabChart is performing a very large calculation. In order for that program to take full advantage of multiple cores it needs to be designed to do so – otherwise it will generally not run multiple parts of the calculation simultaneously. 
The following areas of the LabChart software can run in parallel with the LabChart user interface (using different cores):
    • Sampling
    • Disk operations (buffering and data compression).
    • Data Pad calculations.

    We are continually improving the performance of LabChart. Areas which might be enhanced in the future include the Channel Calculations and drawing in places like Scope View, Spectrum, and XY View. 

    If you require further technical assistance with this or any other issue, please contact ADInstruments Technical Support.