How can I view the Group Activity Audit Log in Lt?

Lt actively tracks Group Activity, more specifically Group Branching. There are 2 ways to view Group Activity - on a Lesson's Completion Page, or on the final page of a Student's Answers within the Grading Interface.

To view Group Activity on the Report / Completion Page

The Group Activity Panel will automatically be added to the Report on the Completion Page of a Lesson. To display this, make sure the Report is set to be shown on the Completion Page - this can be done by opening the Lesson as an Admin to Edit it (Lessons | Lesson of Interest | Open), and on the Completion (final) Page, check the the 'Show Report' Checkbox:

To view Group Activity in the Grading Interface

In the Grading Interface, the 'Group Activity' button will be available on the final 'Summary' page of a Student's Answers - click the button to view the Group Activity associated with the chosen Student: