How do I see all of my recordings in one place in LabChart Lightning?

You can view the list of recordings in your LabChart Lightning project in the Recordings tab, located on the sidebar on the lower right side of the screen. The Recordings tab allows you to search for a recording by name, annotation, subject, group or tag. Below the search bar, the total number of recordings and subjects in the project are displayed on the left side of the screen. The name of each recording and its related information (such as number of blocks and signals, as well as subjects and tags) is displayed on the right side of the screen. You can navigate to each particular recording in the Chart View by left mouse clicking on the recording name in that list. Within the Recordings tab, you can also left mouse click on the “+ New Recording” button to add a new recording to the project.

Another way to view a list of the recordings is to left mouse click on the Recordings Picker at the top of the Chart View.

By hovering the mouse over the data displayed, the Recordings Picker offers a dynamic preview of the data in each recording. You can scroll the mouse wheel to increase or decrease the speed of this preview. Again, you can navigate to each particular recording in the Chart View by clicking on the recording name in that list.


If you have additional questions about recordings or any other LabChart Lightning features, please contact your local ADInstruments Technical Support Representative.