What are the physical dimension of the Mikro-Tip catheter's sensor area?

Millar's Mikro-Tip catheters are build using a casing that the sensor is mounted into, which is then "capped" off with the so-called "H"-ball housing giving every catheter a rounded end. This allows for ease of use when inserting into vessels.

The exact dimensions from the catheter tip to the end of the casing (which houses the sensor) for each is below:

Length: 1.951 +/- 0.127mm
Diameter: 0.36mm

Length: 3.4766 +/- 0.1524 mm
Diameter: 0.635 mm

Figure 1: Example of three Mikro-Tip pressure catheters indicating the casing (black bar) and the H-ball housing (red bar).


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