What do the various Beat Marker colors represent in HRV 2.0?

The Beat Marker colors in HRV 2.0 are used to classify Normal, Ectopic, and Unused beats:

  • Blue = Normal beats that fit into the RR Interval and Beat Complexity defined in the HRV Settings. 
  • Gray = Unused beats. For instance, the first two beats that are detected will have gray beat markers that will not be analyzed. This is because two beats are required to calculate the Delta RR. 
  • Pink = The waveform morphology (complexity) falls outside of the normal range resulting in an Ectopic beat.
  • Orange = RR interval falls outside of the normal range resulting in an Ectopic beat. 
  • Red = The waveform morphology and RR interval both fall outside of the normal range resulting in an Ectopic beat. 

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