What is the formula used to calculate the Resting Energy Expenditure (REE) in the metabolic module?

The formula that is used to calculate the Resting Energy Expenditure (REE) in the LabChart Metabolic Module is as follows:

REE = 16.318VO2 + 4.602VCO2

This is an adaptation of the abbreviated Weir Equation which states that:

REE = [3.9 (VO2) + 1.1 (VCO2)] 1.44 (KCal/Day)

VO2 = volume of oxygen uptake (mL/min)

VCO2 = volume of carbon dioxide output (mL/min)

So in order to convert from KCal/Day to Joules/Min, the values in the equation should be multiplied by the conversion factor (4184) and then divided by the number of minutes in a day (1440).

REE = [3.9 (VO2) + 1.1 (VCO2)] 1.44 (KCal/Day) = 5.616VCO2 +1.584VO2 (KCal/Day) x 4184 = 23497VCO2 + 6627VO2 (Joules/Day) /1440 = 16.318VCO2 + 4.602VO2 (Joules/Min)


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