Experimental Considerations and Best Practices when using the Isolated Langendorff Heart Technique

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Dr. Melanie White, cardiovascular researcher from the University of Sydney, provides a practical and comprehensive introduction to isolated heart studies.

Learn about:

  • Core principles of the Langendorff perfusion technique
  • Key methodological considerations for excision, cannulation, and perfusion of the heart
  • Tips for defining exclusion criteria, monitoring functional output, data analysis, and interpretation
  • Applications of Langendorff perfusion, from myocardial ischemia to diabetic cardiomyopathy

The isolated Langendorff heart has been a cornerstone of cardiovascular research for more than a century. Its long-standing scientific relevance is partly due to the fact that it allows experimental conditions to be studied beyond confounding hormonal and neurological influence.

Unlike the working heart model, the Langendorff system relies on retrograde perfusion of the coronary vasculature in order to maintain cardiac function. In addition, the isolated perfused heart serves as a bridge between in vivo and in vitro research, with many applications in heart physiology and pharmacology.

For more information about isolated heart studies and the equipment required, check out our wide range of systems available for Langendorff and Working Heart preparations.

Langendorff technique webinar with Dr Melanie White

Dr. Melanie White

ARC DECRA Research Fellow
School of Medicine
University of Sydney

About the speaker...

Dr. Melanie White is a member of the Charles Perkins Society, a Heart Foundation Future Leader Fellow and teaches senior students in the discipline of Pathology at the University of Sydney School of Medicine.

Her research interests include understanding more about how cells adapt to their changing environment by altering proteins using post-translational modifications. Her team’s work centers on asking these questions in clinically relevant models of myocardial ischemia (heart attack), type 2 diabetes and obesity.

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