Supporting excellence in biology teaching: ADInstruments and ACUBE

ADInstruments is proud to support the Association of College and University Biology Educators (ACUBE). Learn more about our strategic alliance and how we are supporting excellence in biology teaching, including an annual award for education.

5 tips for teaching histology

Students can find histology, the study of microscopic structures, quite challenging. Identifying a structure in a clearly laid-out illustration is one thing, but spotting that structure in a mass of gray and pink shapes in a fixed slide can be quite another. Help your students learn about microscopic structures with these tips.

Getting the most out of dissection in anatomy teaching

The importance and benefits of dissection for undergraduate anatomy classes.

New for physiology educators: Take a look inside the Mechanical and Chemical Digestion module…

Engage your undergraduate physiology students with this hands-on digestive system lab practical investigating the impacts of simulated mechanical and chemical digestion on a selection of real foods.

Highlight of the semester - why CrawFly is the perfect training opportunity for those teaching neuroscience

“If you’re trying to implement invertebrates into your lab work or into the classroom but you don't necessarily have people around you to help you or guide you...It’s perfect.”

Free eBook Download: A Guide to Transforming Traditional Undergraduate Science Education

Teaching science? Download this free eBook on Education 4.0 and learn how you can transform your traditional science labs and lessons with active learning.

Utiliser l’EDTech pour enseigner les sciences à l’Université de Champollion

Dans cette entretien, nous discutons avec un enseignant français de l' Université de Champollion et utilisateur de longue date des solutions ADInstruments (en tant qu’étudiant puis enseignant) - le Dr Arnaud Billet.

The power of backward design in education

Discover a strategic approach for effective course design. Learn how implementing backward design in education can enhance your science students' learning outcomes.

Using basic science to solve clinical conundrums: How Lt supercharges veterinary education at the University of Melbourne

Professor Elizabeth Tudor and Dr. Christina Marth use technology to teach in the integrated, systems-based Doctor of Veterinary Medicine at the University of Melbourne.

Congratulations to Ranya Taqieddin, winner of the Sam Drogo Award 2023!

The Sam Drogo Technology in the Classroom Award recognizes educators who demonstrate innovation in their teaching of anatomy and physiology. This year, Assistant Professor Ranya Taqieddin, who teaches biology at Saint Charles Community College in Missouri, received the award for her creative course designs, including an online Human Biology lab.

New for physiology educators: Take a look inside our Reproductive Physiology Module…

Teach your undergraduate physiology students reproductive physiology with this series of ready-made labs and lessons.

New for physiology educators: Take a look inside our Hoffmann’s Reflex Lab…

Teach your advanced undergraduate physiology students about the Hoffmann’s reflex with this ready-made, hands-on lab and pre-lab prep.

Expert Answers Podcast: Jana Kusch and Marc Demolder on Technology-Enhanced Education

In this episode of #ExpertAnswers join Jana Kusch, PhD and Marc Demolder, MSc, as they answer questions from a recent webinar where they discuss their experience with technology-enhanced education.