COVID19: Lab Equipment Sterilization Guide

As COVID-19 restrictions fluctuate, it's more important than ever to ensure that the lab equipment we and our students are using is disinfected and safe to use.

A Meeting of Minds: Mentalab Explore and LabChart Lightning

How connecting their Explore biosensor with LabChart Lightning instantly increases Mentalab's market reach and makes their device useable to thousands of research scientists all over the world.

Talking Teaching: Visualizing Chemistry Online

Join the Discussion: How animations of events at the molecular level can improve the representations that students create of these events, as well as student confidence.

Talking Teaching: How to improve digital literacy in course design

Join the discussion: How the pedagogical design of a course can increase students’ technical prowess, self-regulation skills, and their sense of ownership of taught material.

Under pressure to find new and innovative techniques for your lab? Here are three unique applications of the Millar pressure catheter

Here we discuss some of the less well-known applications of the Millar pressure catheter including tumor, intradiscal, and transdiaphragmatic pressure measurements!

Emergency Remote Teaching: How to quickly move biology courses online

How Lt's Biology Collection, created with Vernier® Science Education, helps educators quickly make the switch to online learning without sacrificing active learning PLUS delivers an improved biology curriculum!

Lesson Design: How to promote the six core competencies for undergraduate biology students

Find out how ADInstruments and Vernier are integrating the six core competencies outlined in the Vision and Change report into undergraduate biology education via our new Lt Biology Collection.

Helping your students to bloom: Fostering higher-level thinking in introductory biology

ADInstruments and Vernier have partnered to create the Lt Biology Collection - designed to help undergraduate biology students work in the higher levels of Bloom’s taxonomy.

Watch webinar: Cardiac Pressure-Volume Loop Data Analysis - Tips & Tricks

In this free on-demand webinar, PV loop experts DeWayne Townsend (DVM, Ph.D.) and Adam Goodwill (Ph.D.) discuss how to collect and analyze high-quality pressure-volume loop data.

Talking Teaching: Race in medical education

Join the discussion: Our team of Instructional Designers share and discuss two articles on how race is portrayed in medical education. Both of them have been published in Academic Medicine and are free to download.

Understand Your Physiology is here! An active online learning resource for physiology students

Professor Tony Macknight shares the story behind our latest Lt Collection, Understand Your Physiology - Plus helpful tips for integrating the learning resource into your physiology course!

Introduction to PV loops: Understanding points on the PV loop and measures of cardiac function

Cardiovascular Physiologist Adam Goodwill (P.h.D) provides an introduction to the pressure-volume loop, how it compares to other techniques, plus tips for interpreting measures of cardiac function.

Pressure-volume catheter placement in the left ventricle - Carotid vs. Apical approach

Cardiovascular Physiologist Dr. DeWayne Townsend discusses the advantages and limitations of the carotid and apical approach for PV loop studies.