Dr. Enmin Zou
The Theodore Shepard Endowed Professor in Marine Biology, Department of Biological Sciences, Nicholls State University in Louisiana, US.
Dr Enmin Zou uses Lt LabStation, our lab-based learning platform, to teach his third year General Physiology class.
Enmin transitioned to Lt LabStation from its predecessor, LabTutor, and the switch has been seamless. Lt LabStation provides all of the pedagogical benefits of LabTutor, with modern functionality and added features. Enmin especially appreciates the ability to author and update lessons online, the ability for students to work at their own pace, and Lt LabStation’s multifunctionality.
How do you use Lt LabStation?
I use Lt LabStation in my third year General Physiology lab to facilitate our lab exercises.
Specifically, we use it for data collection. I especially like it’s recording functions - such as the recording of profiles of heart contractions and skeletal muscle contractions. What makes me like this feature so much is that not only can students record the data for the entire experiment, but they can easily access the experiment data anytime they come back to the lab and select the meaningful parts to use in their lab reports!
I also like Lt LabStation’s multi-functionality – it was one of the reasons I was drawn to the platform. Students can perform multiple tasks at once. They can be recording data, while at the same time doing other related lab-based work. Students can work at their own pace and it saves a lot of time!
How successful was your transition from LabTutor to Lt LabStation?
My lab runs much smoother and have not had a glitch since the switch from LabTutor to Lt LabStation! It was very easy to implement. It seems all it takes is a good laptop and internet connection.
“In the lab, Lt LabStation is a superior platform to LabTutor. During class, my students access the lab material using their lab computers.”
I transitioned from LabTutor to Lt LabStation about a year ago. Switching to Lt LabStation was a no-brainer! The biggest benefit with Lt LabStation is that I can author and update my lab material anywhere there is an internet connection.
In the lab, Lt LabStation is a superior platform to LabTutor. During class, my students access the lab material using their lab computers. It also means that I don’t have to teach from a single podium computer anymore, and my students can work at their own pace and go back and forwards within the lab material as they need, to aid their own understanding of the material.