How to download example data and settings files from Lt

Data panels in Lt lessons contain settings files, which dictate how data is recorded into Lt. Some data panels also contain pre-recorded example data so that students can compare the data they record to an expected result. It can be handy to download these files from existing lessons so that you can use them in your own lessons, or so that you can edit the files in LabChart to suit your purposes.

To download settings and example data files, simply open the lesson and navigate to the data panel of interest. Select Edit mode.

Double-click on the data panel to access its controls. Select the download icon located in the page footer to download both the settings file (settings.adiset) and the example data file (document.adicht). Note: You may need to change your browser settings to allow multiple downloads at one time. These files can be viewed and edited with LabChart software (version 8.0 or above) or used in another Lt data panel.