Can Automatic Updates for the LabStation Application / kuraCloud Desktop Application be disabled?

When the LabStation Application / kuraCloud Desktop Application is installed, a small utility called the ADInstruments Updater will be installed. Running this utility (which requires Admin Privileges) will allow the user to disable updates for the LabStation Application / kuraCloud Desktop Application:


The ADInstruments Updater can be found under My Computer > C:// Program Files (x86) > ADInstruments > ADIUpdater
Please note that ADInstruments strongly recommends you do not disable automatic updates. Disabling the automatic updates for these applications may prevent future custom Lessons from being opened, or prevent the user from sampling data in those Lessons.  Automatic Updates ensure that the installed ADInstruments Applications and their corresponding cloud-based components are synchronized so far as their versions and features are concerned.

If you have further questions about
LabStation or Lt , please reach out to your local ADInstruments Technical Support Team .