ADInstruments congratulates all participants and the winning team of the 10th Inter-Medical School Physiology Quiz

346 students from 70 universities took part in the tenth installment of the Professor A. Raman Challenge Trophy at the University of Malaya last month. A sponsor of the quiz, ADInstruments was at hand to support the event and conduct an educator workshop.

Scent, semantics and cinnamon scrolls

Understanding the connection between brain circuits involved in smell and memory has practical importance, but only if the response patterns are understood. Cinnamon scrolls anyone?

Getting to grips with cutting-edge wound closure technology

The aim of this study was to test the performance of a novel shape-memory alloy surgical clip, designed to be delivered by injection though a fine gauge needle.

Can we learn new information during sleep?

Researchers discover that simple associative learning is possible during sleep in humans.

Checkmate or Knockout? Brain or Brawn?

This study investigates cerebral blood flow regulation in professional boxers and finds that repetitive sub-concussive head impact may explain the progressive nature of associated brain injury.

Don’t sweat it - go and sit under a tree if you’re feeling seasick

Why does sweat release occur during motion sickness? This study investigates this phenomenon by applying galvanic vestibular stimulation and measuring skin-sympathetic activity

Bigger muscles from smaller weights? No problemo

Findings of this study suggest that there is greater flexibility in hypertrophy-specific repetition load ranges than commonly advocated.

Run like hell and get the agony over with – just don’t break a leg!

Gandolini et al (2012) investigated whether changing running technique or wearing sports shoes might lower the forces exerted on feet and legs during foot-strike.

Of mice and men - sympathetic recordings in awake and behaving mice

In biomedical research human diseases are commonly modeled in rodents such as mice. Their small size, however, poses technical challenges for physiological recordings. This study proposes a new method for recording RSNA in awake unrestrained mice.

Australian Brain Bee Winner Creates an International Buzz

ADInstruments congratulates Teresa Tang, the 2011 Australian Brain Bee Champion who has won the 2012 International Brain Bee (IBB).

Nature-lovers are smarter, calmer

If you regularly take time to enjoy the outdoors then chances are you’ll benefit in a number of ways both mentally and physically. This study explores some of the mechanisms responsible for this in a controlled environment.

Five-day CRAW-FLY educator workshop at Cornell University a stunning success

Learn about the 2012 Craw-Fly workshop and techniques covered in the course.

Towards a better anus – how bioengineering can help incontinence

Internal anal sphincter muscle tissue was engineered from human smooth muscle cells with a view to investigating viable replacement sphincter tissue for patients with incontinence.