Equivital SEM (Sensor Electronics Module)
The Equivital SEM is the center of the Equivital system. When connected to an Equivital Sensor Belt (purchased separately) and worn on the body it allows recording of ECG, Respiratory Rate, Skin Temperature and acceleration (3 axis).
The Equivital SEM is the center of the Equivital system. It is a 78x53x10mm unit weighing 38g. When connected to an Equivital Sensor Belt (purchased separately) and worn on the body it allows recording of ECG, Respiratory Rate, Skin Temperature and acceleration (3 axis). The unit has a single connection port to interface with a Sensor belt, as well as wireless receiver capabilities to allow connection with a range of Equivital accessories.
Live data from up to 2 SEMs can stream wirelessly straight into LabChart through the use of an Equivital Bluetooth Dongle with LabChart Device Enabler. You also have the option to record data offline for multiple subjects and then easily import time synchronized data files using the SEM USB Lead or M-Dock ( SEM, Bluetooth Dongle and SEM USB Lead are all included in the Equivital Starter Pack (Single) or Equivital Starter Pack (4 Belts)).
SEMs can be charged either by SEM USB Lead, or in an Equivital M-Dock charging station with up to 6 other SEMs. Battery life can also be extended through the use of an Equivital SEM External Battery Pack. SEMs are easily confguired using Equivital Manager for Windows.
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Details and Tech Specs
EQ-02-SEM-012 Equivital SEM (Sensor Electronics Module)