Some indications that your Millar Mikro-tip Catheter or Tonometer is failing are listed below. You should contact ADInstruments Technical Support if you are seeing any of these behaviors to confirm that the catheter is truly malfunctioning.
1) Very random and rapidly changing numbers, even after calibration, without any change in the sensing environment.
2) Flat-line signal at the maximum or minimum possible voltage output.
3) Excessive drift (more than 6mmHg over 12 hours), even after cleaning with Millar approved enzymatic cleaner.
4) A visible crack in sensing membrane.
5) A visible bend in or damage to the catheter body.
If you are not seeing any of the above symptoms, but you are still unable to record a signal, further evaluation of the ADInstruments Bridge Amp and PowerLab or Millar MPVS Ultra hardware may be required.
For further technical assistance with this or any other issue, please contact ADInstruments Technical Support by clicking HERE.