Spatio-temporal Imaging – In Real Time! With Professor Nick Spencer

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Professor Nick Spencer demonstrates how to perform real-time spatio-temporal mapping along isolated organs, like the gut, bladder or uterus, whilst combining multi-site electrophysiological recordings.

This new approach allows one to correlate the propagation of electrical activities with intraluminal pressure and movement, providing powerful insights into mechanisms underlying propagation of electrical and mechanical signals along internal organs.

About the speaker...

Nick Spencer,
Professor in the College of Medicine and Public Health,
President of the Australasian Neurogastroenterology & Motility Association (ANGMA).
Flinders University in South Australia

Since arriving at Flinders University 11 years ago, Nick has been a Chief investigator on 15 NH&MRC project grants and 3 ARC discovery grants (> $8 million AUD). He was Chief Investigator-A on 10 of these 18 externally-funded grants. In 2020, he is Chief investigator on 5 NH&MRC project grants (3 as CIA) and 2 ARC discovery grants on gut-brain axis. In 2018, he published with Dr. Hongzhen Hu, the first wireless optogenetic control of the gut, in the leading journal Gastroenterology.

Nick has been the Course Coordinator of the Bachelor of Medical Science degree for 5 years and Coordinator of Medical Neuroanatomy for 5 years. Research in his laboratory is primarily directed to understanding the neurophysiological basis of pain pathways in visceral organs, and the neural control mechanisms of the enteric nervous system. He has published more than 150 peer reviewed articles on autonomic neuroscience.

In 2014, he was Treasurer of the Australasian Neurogastroenterology and Motility Society (ANGMA) and has organised numerous scientific meetings in Australia. In 2012, he was promoted to Associate Professor and in 2015 was promoted to Professor (level E). In 2016, Nick was elected President of the Australasian Neurogastroenterology & Motility Association (ANGMA).

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Additional Resources:

Beyond the Bowel: Shining a Light on the Inner Workings of Our ‘Second Brain’
Best Practice Tips: Millar Pressure and Pressure Volume Catheters
Three Benefits of Isolated Organ Research