Temperature Pods

Suitable for general temperature measurements in the range 0-50°C using either Thermocouple or Temperature Probes.


ADInstruments Temperature Pods are suitable for general temperature measurements in the range 0-50°C using either Thermocouple probes or Transducers.

Thermocouple Probes suitable for use with the Temperature Pods:

Transducers suitable for use with the Thermistor Pod:

ADInstruments signal conditioners only function with PowerLab data acquisition units and therefore are not suitable for use with other data acquisition systems.

Product Configurations

T-type Pod

Product Code

Suitable for general temperature measurements in the range 0-50°C using standard T-type thermocouples.

Ships from United States Estimated delivery 2-5 business days

Thermistor Pod

Product Code

Suitable for biological measurements such as skin and nasal temperature and respiration detection in the range 5°C to 45°C.

Ships from United States Estimated delivery 2-5 business days

Key Features

  • Amplification of thermocouple voltage signal to produce 10 mV/°C @ 25°C (T-type) and 50 mV/°C within the temperature range 5°C to 50°C (Thermistor).
  • Filtering to reduce noise bandwidth, allowing fast temperature transients to be monitored. (T-type Pod filters by a 2 pole 10 Hz Butterworth filter, Thermistor Pod filters by a 3-pole 10Hz low-pass filter).
  • T-type Pod has an Ice Point Reference compensation provided by the direct measurement of the input connector temperature.
  • Thermistor Pod has a switchable offset circuit which provides a delta temperature mode for relative temperature measurement.


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Details and Tech Specs




T-type Pod

  • Input impedance: ~1 kΩ
  • Temperature range: 0 to 20 °C or 0 to 50 °C
  • Output voltage: 10 mV/°C (0 V = 0 °C) non-linearized
  • Calibration: Ice point reference calibration provided
  • Temperature accuracy:
±0.2 °C for 35 to 40 °C
±0.5 °C for 0 to 45 °C  
±1 °C for 0 to 50 °C
  • DC drift: 2 μV/°C
  • Response time (T-type Pod only): ~40 ms (10 to 90% of range)
  • Overall response time will depend on the response time of the thermocouple device
  • Amplifier noise: 1 μV p-p (0.1 Hz to 10 Hz)
  • Input connection: Miniature T-type connector
  • Weight: 200 g
  • Enclosure size (l x w x h): 108 x 58 x 35 mm

All specifications were tested at the time of printing and are subject to change.


Thermistor Pod

  • Thermistor type: 10 kΩ @ 25 °C
  • Measurement ranges: 5 °C to 45 °C in absolute mode Δ1 °C to Δ20 °C in five ranges with Delta Temp on
  • Output voltage: 50 mV/°C (0 mV = 25 °C)
  • Temperature accuracy: ±0.2 °C absolute (25 °C to 45 °C)
  • DC drift: 3 μV/°C
  • Response time: ~200 ms (for a full scale change in temperature)
  • Overall response will be dependent on the thermal response of thermistor probe
  • Temperature offset range: 50 °C overall (–5 °C to 45 °C absolute)
  • Input connector: 3-pin mini audio connector
  • Enclosure size: 108 x 58 x 35 mm (l x w x h)
  • Weight: ~200 g

All specifications were tested at the time of printing and are subject to change.

Product Codes

T-type Pod
Thermistor Pod



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