Customer Success Manager, Tom Broughton, provides a comprehensive introduction to inviting and managing student progress in Lt.
Learn about:
- Methods for inviting students to Lt:
- LMS integration (Canvas, Moodle, Blackboard)
- Individually
- Via a .csv file
- Managing student progress
- FAQ’s on this topic
Workshop Overview
Where to go for help with Lt
- Our Support Site
- The Lt Feedback option within Lt
- The Lt Community
- Your CSM
Three methods of inviting students
- Push accounts from LMS (Canvas, Moodle, Blackboard)
- Individually (great for adding late sign-ups)
- Via a csv file (most common)
- Prerequisites
- Sections
- Show import with an example file and error-producing example file
- Show imported Students
- Show filtering and gear menu options
- Archiving and deleting
- Emailing Students
- Exporting
Q & A Session
comment Can I add section information later, if I imported without a section on the csv?
Live Answered. Yes, sections can be managed under the Student Accounts card, located under the cog icon on the top right. You can create, rename, and delete sections here. Alternatively, you can re-upload the csv file with the amended sections column. Lt will create new sections and update the students associated with each section. Note that if you have integrated the course with your LMS, these options are not available and will require changes to be made within your LMS.
comment When viewing student progress, are students who are assigned to one particular course separated from those in another?
Live Answered. Correct, student progress is within a course, not across courses.
comment How do I handle the Lessons/Modules that students can work on together or individually? I.e. How do I define/manage these workgroups? For example, the practical study has to be performed by a group of 4 students.
Live Answered. If students are able to access the same device then the students can log in together using the Group Login feature. Students will then be able to complete lessons that have been designated as group lessons in the Lesson Details area. For details on group activity, see here.
comment I just want to confirm if this is where we also set the deadline for each course work?
The deadline (commit time) is set in the lesson’s availability settings [Student Work > Module/Lesson > Availability]
comment Is it possible to ‘uncommit’ all the students at once?
Yes, using the ‘Make Available to All’ option under the Availability card.
comment Can the CSV file be generated using Excel?
Yes, simply save as .csv format. See here for more details about the csv format.