What’s happening in the Lt world - December 2020

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2020 - It’s a wrap!

Customer Success Manager Liam Farley provides an overview of recent releases to the Lt Platform, plus a walkthrough of the new Lt Analytics Dashboard.

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Webinar Overview

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Q & A Session

comment What does the Analytics Dashboard look like for questions that are not graded?

If a question, other than a multi-choice question, does not have grades associated with it, it will display the message ‘No student results to display’. The average grade column only appears when applicable for the lesson, and cells in that column appear blank when there is no average grade info to display. This will happen when questions have been set up for grading.

comment Can the information for a student be extracted (downloaded) from Lt to be correlated with other sources (outside Lt)?

Not in this release, but most likely in future releases.

comment Will the Analytics Dashboard still show the student interactions with videos in the lessons?

This is currently not available, but is in a future milestone.

comment With the new Analytics Dashboard, can you track student engagement over time?

This is currently not available, but future releases will expand on the functionality of the Analytics Dashboard to provide metrics on student engagement.
