Taking Physiology to New Heights: Creative approaches to high altitude research

James Elworthy, Multimedia Designer at ADInstruments and Kait Mikes, Biomedical Sales Engineer at ADInstruments, joined Dr Trevor Day on an intrepid journey to Mt. Everest Base Camp.

2016 Delsys Prize Winner: Congratulations Dr Max Ortiz Catalan

ADInstruments is proud to support the Delsys Prize for Innovation in Electromyography and we are pleased to congratulate this year’s winner: Dr. Max Ortiz Catalán from Chalmers University of Technology in Sweden.

The Brain and the Miracle Molecule: a deeper understanding of oxygen transport offers new hope for age-related disease

For Damian Bailey, a Professor of Physiology and Biochemistry, the attraction of freediving is partly about discovering the limits of physical capability, but it is also about understanding one of the most important processes in the body - oxygen transport to the brain - and gaining unique insights that may help millions of people to live better and longer, disease-free lives.

ADI people: Introducing Dr Kevin Evans, Research Support Specialist

This week we introduce you to Dr Kevin Evans, our fearless rock climber and Research Support Specialist working out of our Oxford office. Kevin was lucky enough to be able to combine his hobbies of adventure sports and climbing with his knowledge of physiology into a very interesting and energetic PhD.

Have SkinSuit, will travel: Space physiology team at KCL use Delsys EMG to test a SkinSuit for Astronauts

Philip Carvil, a PhD student at KCL funded by the European Space Agency’s Science and technology Office (ESTEC), has been working with the Space Medicine Office at the European Astronaut Centre to develop and test a ‘loading’ SkinSuit for astronauts that aims to help mitigate some of the health problems they face in microgravity. Specifically, he is looking at how the SkinSuit can affect the spine “with the aim to attenuate spinal elongation in space and assist in preserving the spinal stabiliser muscles.”

Powerful equations: mathematics meets biology at the Science Museum, London

When it comes to ‘maths that could transform lives,' it’s hard to go past recent work by cardiovascular pharmacologist Dr Manasi Nandi and mathematician Dr Philip Aston, who will be co-presenting an exhibit at the Science Museum entitled Cardiomorph. The exhibit is part of a festival clebrating the London Mathematical Society. Manasi and Philip head up a team of biologists and mathematicians who have collaborated to apply non-linear mathematics to blood pressure data in a completely novel way - with some surprising and potentially life-saving results.

Michael J. Brody Young Investigator Award winner: Dr. Jacqueline Limberg

Sponsored by ADInstruments and awarded by the APS Neural Control and Autonomic Regulation Section (NCAR) , this award recognizes the achievements of a promising, early-career scientist who has made a significant contribution to the understanding of neural control and autonomic regulation. This year the winner of the Michael J. Brody Young Investigator award is Dr. Jacqueline Limberg for her work on the control of blood pressure during hypoglycemia. Congratulations from all of us at ADInstruments !

Chili peppers an unlikely hero in alleviating the effects of stroke

Most people are probably familiar with the physiological effects of eating chili peppers, such as increased sweating, flushed skin and a feeling of heat - effects mediated by chili pepper's active ingredient, capsaicin. Recently researchers have been exploring the therapeutic value of these effects and in particular, how they can be used to reduce stroke injury.

New study finds that endurance training remodels the heart

Bradycardia is an interesting condition which is both a risk factor and an example of the human body’s amazing ability to adapt to an individual’s lifestyle - a lowered heart rate balances the increased stroke volume of a training athlete’s heart to keep cardiac output optimized. New research suggests a cause for this effect in the highly trained athlete.

It's now even easier to get great results with ADInstruments and Oxford Optronix

A month ago we welcomed the latest additions to the LabChart Compatible community - a Blood Flow Monitor and an Oxygen Monitor from Oxford Optronix that record directly into LabChart . Oxford Optronix has a history of creating sophisticated equipment for clinical medicine and life sciences, with...

Cold water immersion: the benefits of a post-game ritual

You often see photos of athletes ‘enjoying’ a bath of ice after a big race or game. Known as ‘cold water immersion’, this technique is believed to speed recovery and reduce muscle soreness. How does it work? One theory is that localized muscle cooling facilitates oxygen delivery to the muscle cells...

Extending Your Analysis with Data Pad Plots

The HRV Module provides great tools and algorithms for analyzing heart rate variability in ECG recordings or arterial pulse signals. This Software Tip shows how you can take advantage of built-in LabChart 8 features, such as Data Pad Plots, to extend your analysis by tracking certain HRV statistics...

Research focus: The Power of Emotional Contagion

Our products have some very diverse research applications. Here, we look at a study on emotional contagion, conducted by Dezecache et al in Paris which looks at how emotions spread from person to person to person.