HeartWheels!: How LabChart and PowerLab Support a STEM Mobile Outreach Program

Dr. Gretel Monreal and Dr. Steven Koenig make it their mission to provide students with hands-on learning experiences outside the classroom.

Keeping anesthetized rhinos safe

Professor Leith Meyer is developing safer capture and immobilization techniques for one of the world’s most endangered animals.

Modular data acquisition for now and the future: Why we built the PowerLab C and C Series devices...

Here we share the story behind the creation of the PowerLab C and C Series devices, and what researchers can expect from these innovative new devices!

Four Cardiovascular Applications Using Kaha Sciences Telemetry

Take your cardiovascular research to the next level using telemetry. Find out how you can use Kaha Science's telemeters to measure physiological pressures, ECG, and sympathetic nerve activity - plus a whole lot more!

Five Unique Neuroscience Applications Using Telemetry

Find out how Kaha Sciences' suite of telemeters can be integrated into your neuroscience studies to measure intracranial pressure, seizure (EEG), sympathetic nerve activity, or tissue oxygen concentration.

Beyond the Bowel: Shining a Light on the Inner Workings of Our ‘Second Brain’

Nick Spencer, Neurogastroenterologist from Flinders University Australia shares how he uses optogenetics to understand neural pathways of the enteric nervous system.

Combating COVID-19: How startup project Kahanu is helping to ease the shortage of ventilators in Hawaii

Find out how an innovative group of medical and engineering experts produced an open-source ventilator in a matter of months.

Under pressure to find new and innovative techniques for your lab? Here are three unique applications of the Millar pressure catheter

Here we discuss some of the less well-known applications of the Millar pressure catheter including tumor, intradiscal, and transdiaphragmatic pressure measurements!

LabChart Lightning has landed! Here’s what Early Adopter Jim Cotter has to say about it...

Find out how LabChart Lightning has enabled Jim and his group save time during data acquisition and analysis, as well as improve their data integrity and data management.

How Travis Gibbons creates customized calculations in LabChart Lightning for his physiology research

Early Adopter, Travis Gibbons has been using LabChart Lightning to research the effect of thermal stress (heat and cold) on physiological processes such as brain blood flow and intracranial pressure.

LabChart Lightning - Behind the Screens: The what, why, and where of the software

Brandon Bucher, Head of Research at ADInstruments shares the story behind why we have created LabChart Lightning and what scientific researchers can expect from this innovative new piece of software.

Troubleshooting your Millar Catheter: Three common problems and how to fix them

Here we cover the three most common problems people encounter when using a Millar Research Catheter and the corrective actions you can take to fix them!

Getting to the heart of the problem: Understanding the causes of cardiac hypertrophy

Min Zi, a cardiovascular researcher from the University of Manchester, uses PV Loop and hemodynamic analyses to investigate the molecular processes that lead to the development of cardiac hypertrophy to uncover new and effective treatments for the disease.